Basic Synthetic Grass Simplified Installation Pricing: BASG Installation pricing is dependant upon a number of factors, the primary factor in estimating project cost is the size of the installation. The larger the artificial turf project is the lower the installed cost/sq-ft price should be and vice versa. Personnel safety is the primary consideration along with terrain, access to the site, distance of base material to the site, and proximity of equipment to the personnel. Projects:
The last time I counted there were over 1300 types of synthetic grass made by about 90 different manufacturers today. BASG has narrowed the best selection down about 15 samples and two manufacturers. BASG installs synthetic grass from two American synthetic grass manufacturers that are the most reliable and have highest quality materials available. These prices are more like guidelines. BASG promotes these price ranges to enable you, the consumer to decide whether our services are within your project budget. I think it saves everyone a lot of time. The picture above is a Vacaville home that chose the basic grass. |
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